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來源:佚名 釋出時間:2022-09-27 21:45




I gave her an interesting book, which she started to read at once. 我給了她一本有趣的書,她馬上就讀了起來。

(which she started to read at once 是非限制性定語從句,先行詞是:an interesting book)

These apple trees,which I planted three years ago,have not borne any fruit.

這些蘋果樹是我三年前栽的,還沒有結過果實。(which 指代These apple trees )

She is an artist,which I am not.

她是一位藝術家,而我不是。(which 指代an artist )

Water,which is a clear liquid,has many uses.

水是一種清澈的液體,有許多用途。(which 指代Water)

The two policemen were completely trusted,which in fact they were.

那兩個警察完全受到信任,事實上也確實如此。(which 指代The two policemen)

I rewrote his rough draft, which was published under my name

我把他的草稿重新改寫,並以我的名字發表了。(which 指代his rough draft)

The lawyers are preparing for the trial, which commences in 30 days. 律師們正在為這場將於30天后開始的審判進行準備。(which 指代 the trial)

Loosen any tight clothing, which may inhibit breathing. 鬆開過緊的衣服,這類衣服可能會妨礙呼吸。(which 指代 any tight clothing)

He had a knee injury, which put him out of the reckoning. 他傷了膝蓋,失去了獲勝的可能。(which 指代 a knee injury)


如:She was very patient towards the children,which her husband seldom was.

她對孩子們很耐心,她丈夫卻很少這樣。(which 指代patient)

She is always careless,which we should not be.

她總是馬虎大意,我們可不應該這樣。(which 指代careless)

3. which指代主句中的某個從句。

如:He said that he had never seen her before,which was not true.

他說以前從沒見過她,這不是真的。(which 指代he had never seen her before)

I think Li Hua is a talented student, which makes me ashamed.

我認為李華是一位有才華的學生,這使我很慚愧。(which 指代Li Hua is a talented student)

4. which指代整個主句。


It was raining, which was a pity.那時天下著雨,那是一個遺憾。(which 指代It was raining)

They ran out of drink. Which actually didn't bother me because I wasn't drinking.

他們把酒喝完了。但實際上這對我來說無所謂,因為我不喝酒。《柯林斯高階英漢雙解學習詞典》(which 指代They ran out of drink.)

The clock struck thirteen, which made everyone laugh. 時鐘敲了13下,這使大家都笑了起來。(which 指代句子 The clock struck thirteen)

The sun heats the earth, which is very important to us.

太陽使地球暖起來,這對我們人類很重要。(which 指代句子The sun heats the earth)

It was built in a year, which seems absolutely incredible. 它在一年內就建成了,這簡直難以置信。(which指代句子It was built in a year)

In the presence of so many people he was little tense, which was understandable.

在那麼多人面前他有點緊張,這是可以理解的。(which指代句子In the presence of so many people he was little tense)

He may have acute appendicitis,in which case he will have to be operated on.

他可能得了急性盲腸炎,如果是這樣,他就得動手術。(which指代句子He may have acute appendicitis)

When deeply absorbed in work,which he often was,he would forget all about eating and sleeping.

他經常聚精會神地工作,這時他會廢寢忘食。(which指代句子When deeply absorbed in work)

For example, I got good grades, which made my parents happy.例如,我取得了好成績,這讓我的父母很高興。(which指代句子I got good grades)

He broke the glass, which made his parents angry.( which指代句子He broke the glass)

Li Ming was late. which made Mr. Zhang very angry.


As a result ,my English was quite poor, which made me sad and disappointed.

結果,我的英語很糟糕,這使我很傷心和失望。(which指代句子my English was quite poor)

It was built within a year, which seems absolutely incredible.

它在一年內就建成了,這簡直難以置信。(which指代句子It was built within a year)

It provides partners with chances of studying from each other, which will benefit us in the long term.合作提供給合作者們相互學習的機會,這從長遠看來將對我們有利。

(which指代句子It provides partners with chances of studying from each other)

This school often provides students with chances of taking exercises, which will benefit students’physical health.


(which指代句子This school often provides students with chances of taking exercises)

Last but not least, you can spare some time to see a Peking Opera before that time, which can help you understand it better.


(which指代句子you can spare some time to see a Peking Opera before that time)


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